Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity

Research Reports


Latin American Tendencies

By Carlos Sabino


1.1 Three Elections Won by Leftist Governmnets. 1.2 A Non-Edongenous Growth

In the second semester of this year, 2006, two tendencies have manifested themselves continuously and have proven to demonstrate their effects in Latin America for some time: the turn to leftists’ tendencies in the political, sustained by an economical growth.


This issue has two objectives: the first is to offer an analysis on contemporary Latin American politics and economy each semester; the second is to provide an Institutional Report of CADAL’s most vital activities in such period. In this manner, the reader will encounter Carlos Sabino’s sharp analysis, one of the most prestigious specialized academics on Latin American topics; and combine the understanding of regional political realities together with information of the chief CADAL events, including the participation of executives in this institute in international events.

In the meantime, this presentation column of LATIN AMERICAN ‘TENDENCIAS’ (trends/tendencies) will be accompanied by images of some of the most outstanding press releases in this upcoming semester, taking into account certain “newsworthy” outlooks on the analysis, investigations and events executed by CADAL represent an objective element of great importance to measure the published results of an NGO. For this reason, we draw attention to following publications: an article published by El Cronista about an excellent job (1) written by Mercedes Llano, Associated Investigator in topics of Political Party Modernization; the detailed journalistic coverage by Infobae Profesional over the seminar ‘Negocios con la base de la piramide’ (“Businesses with Pyramid Schemes”) (2), dictated by Raúl Ferro; featuring Hernán Alberro, CADAL’s Events Director, as speaker in the Liberty Forum held in Montevideo (3), in a picture of the El País de Montevideo newspaper; the article in Ámbito Financiero about the report “Indicadores de Periodismo y Democracia a Nivel Local en América Latina” (“Local Latin American Indicators of Journalism and Democracy”) (4) narrated by Fernando Ruiz; and finally, my appearance in “CNN en Español” commenting an article published by The Economist (5).

Finally, I hope you enjoy Sabino’s analysis and that you become enthusiastic with the CADAL’s work, about to fulfill it’s fourth year of existence promoting the strengthening of democracy, Rule of Law and Public Politics in countries of this region, that in turn favor both economical and institutional progress.

Gabriel C. Salvia
Chairman and General Director

Latin American TENDENCIES intends to offer the reader a balanced perspective concerning our region’s reality: as a semester informative, it is not a typical bulletin of conjuncture, - due to the fact that it transcends the anecdotic to dive into the tendencies that go beyond the everyday habitual behavior- but this does not imply that we should take on another extreme, adopt a purely abstract perspective, disconnected of the various occurrences of the region. In addition, this equilibrium refers to the themes and subjects to be highlighted: the idea is to link the economical matters with the political and the social, in such manner as to present information that is not limited to a specific group of countries, but rather cover also incidents that on occasions can be overlooked or remain undetected.

Carlos Sabino
Carlos Sabino

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