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Global Geopolitical Change | CADAL

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International Democratic Solidarity



Global Geopolitical Change

Plataforma Democrática informs that it is already available, and free to access, the colection of articles on Geopolitical Change and the future of Democracy in Latin America: plataformademocratica.org

Bernardo Sorj and Sergio Fausto, Directors of Plataforma Democrática inform that it is already available, and free to access, the colection of articles on Geopolitical Change and the future of Democracy in Latin America: plataformademocratica.org

The website includes a virtual library, also of free access, with more than 10,000 titles and a video library.

Plataforma Democrática is an initiative devoted to strengthening Latin American democratic institutions and culture by fostering pluralistic debate on the social and political transformations of the region and the world.

It provides a virtual infra-structure which permits access to a data bank on research institutions and their academic production. Plataforma develops research to identify the current state of knowledge on key areas, which is later transformed into extensively disseminated debate papers. Together with our associated institutions, we organize debate forums to increase communication among knowledge producers and social and political actors.

The Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America (CADAL) is one of the Associated Institutes of Plataforma Democrática.


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