Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


International Relations and Human Rights Observatory


Proposal for peace and democracy in Venezuela

Es imperioso actuar ya, mientras todavía se está a tiempo de evitar que el despotismo se consolide. Objetivo que el régimen persigue, como ya ha quedado a la vista en coyunturas críticas previas, ganando tiempo para desgastar la movilización popular dentro de su territorio, y llevando simultáneamente al límite del agotamiento la atención y la solidaridad activa de los gobiernos democráticos.

It is imperative to act now, while there is still time to prevent despotism from consolidating. We must consider that the regime’s objective is, as it has already been in sight in previous critical conjunctures, gaining time to wear down the popular mobilization within its territory, and simultaneously bringing to the limit of exhaustion the attention and active solidarity of the democratic governments.

As a solution to the crisis that Venezuela is suffering, the Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America (CADAL) we propose that the democratic governments of the Americas and Europe act in coordination with a clear and concrete objective: the realization as soon as possible of elections competitive, free and open to all executive positions, the only way to ensure that Venezuelans themselves choose their government and decide their fate.

With this objective, we propose that the Lima Group, together with the United States government and the European Union, give a two-week ultimatum to Nicolás Maduro and his military leadership to carry out those elections within a period of no more than 90 days. It is imperative to act now, while there is still time to prevent despotism from consolidating. Objective that the regime pursues, as it has already been in sight in previous critical conjunctures, gaining time to wear down the popular mobilization within its territory, and simultaneously bringing to the limit of exhaustion the attention and active solidarity of the democratic governments.

If Maduro refuses to give expression to popular sovereignty, making transparent elections, the world's democracies should apply severe sanctions that make it impossible for him to stay in power, ruling out a military intervention outright, given that its only possibility is causing more damage than the one that tries to avoid.

We also call on the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to call political and social leaders from Latin America who have been exiled in Venezuela during the military dictatorships of the '60s,'70s and '80s in the Southern Cone and that enjoy a high moral credibility in the defense of human rights, so that they intercede with the regime of Nicolás Maduro and his military leadership in favor of holding general elections with all guarantees and under international supervision. And to all governments and international credit and trade agencies to collaborate in the task of transferring control of the resources and assets of the Venezuelan state abroad to the democratic authorities provisionally designated by the National Assembly.


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