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The Political Opening Program started | CADAL

Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



The Political Opening Program started

With a class in charge of historian Ricardo López Göttig, the 2008 Political Opening Program started with the aim of motivating youth interest in politics and highlighting the importance of political parties in the strengthening of democracy. The Program is divided in two parts: History of Political Parties in Argentina (6 classes) and Political Parties and Democratic Governance: Challenges for Argentina (2 classes).

With a class in charge of historian Ricardo López Göttig, the 2008 Political Opening Program at Latin American School of Political and Economic Studies at CADA, with the aim of motivating youth interest in politics and highlighting the importance of political parties in the strengthening of democracy. Thus, the Political Opening Program (PAP) analyzes the history of political parties in Argentina, its importance for the strengthening of institutions and the challenges that they face, 25 years after the return of democracy.

PAP is designed for undergraduate and graduate students. It is basically formed by eight clases of 1 hour and a quarter each, in four days, from October 16 and November 6. The Program is divided in two parts: History of Political Parties in Argentina (6 classes) and Political Parties and Democratic Govenance: Challenges for Argentina (2 classes).

In the class about "History of Political Parties in Argentina", in charge of Ricardo López Göttig, the participants are introduced to the formation and development of main political forces and its development in the field of ideas. In the section about "Political Parties and Democratic Governance: Challenges for Argentina", political scientist Carlos Gervasoni analyzes the matter of the federal party system and political representation, and then Gabriel Salvia, Chairman of CADAL, refers to the alternatives to improve institutional quality of most important political groups and promoting citizens participation.


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