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II Day of the “Entrepreneurs of Ideas” | CADAL

Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



II Day of the “Entrepreneurs of Ideas”

The II Day of the “Entrepreneurs of Ideas” took place in Buenos Aires. On this occasion all collaborators of CADAL are called together with the objective to realize an evaluation of the activities of the past three months and to draft the plan for the following months. Furthermore, the diffusion and participation regarding the events as well as the activities targeted at university students were precisely analyzed.

The II Day of the “Entrepreneurs of Ideas” has just taken place in Buenos Aires. On this occasion all collaborators of CADAL are called together with the objective to realize an evaluation of the activities of the past trimester and to draft the plan for the following months. Accordingly, every collaborator gave a short record of his work and results. Furthermore, the diffusion and participation regarding the events as well as the activities targeted at university students were precisely analyzed.

On the other hand, the members of the new initiative “Observatorio de dictaduras”, which is formed of one German and six Argentinean volunteers (from different Argentine Universities), informed the other collaborators in detail about the progress of their work.

With regard to the publications, the quantity of copies printed and distributed to the federal legislators, journalists, civil cervants, foreign diplomats, businessmen, university professors, analysts and intellectuals was highlighted. The meeting also included a record on the part of the President about the activities that are about to be implemented in the office of CADAL in Uruguay.



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