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The Executive Committee of CADAL met | CADAL

Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



The Executive Committee of CADAL met

During the meeting details of the schedule of upcoming events were analyzed, also the committee reviewed the practices of internships and volunteer at the institution, proposals to donors of international cooperation, the incorporation of new counselors and the fundraising strategy from the Argentine private sector.

The meeting was attended by Gabriel Salvia, Director General; Hernán Alberro, Programs Director; Sybil Rhodes, Director of the Academic Council; Jose Montaldo, Director of the Business Council; Tristán Rodríguez Loredo, protreasurer; Horacio Fernández, Coordinator of the Business Council; and former Secretary of CADAL, Marcelo Loprete

Se reunió el Comité Ejecutivo de CADAL

The statute of CADAL provides the delegation of executive powers in favor of an Executive Committee. This committee may consist of one or more persons who may or may not be members of the Governing Council. The Executive Committee exercises its functions between periods of the Governing Council meeting (Article 9 of the social status of the FOUNDATION CADAL). To the meetings of the Executive Committee the other members and former officials of the institution are invited.


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