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Extended meeting of the executive committee | CADAL

Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



Extended meeting of the executive committee

The first meeting of the year was attended by authorities, counsellors, permanent collaborators, foreign interns and volunteers to analyse the ongoing projects and the proposals under review, the organization of the 14th anniversary of CADAL and the Foros Latinos as well as the 2017 edition of the conference of the international day in remembrance of the victims of totalitarianism.

One of the main topics of the meeting was the implementation of the transformation index at the local level. Furthermore the presentation of proposals to embassies in Argentina to realize a monitoring about pluralism and electoral transparency in Argentinian provinces with less democracy level was considered as an important topic.

Reunión ampliada del Comité Ejecutivo de CADAL

Sergio Casais (Webmaster), Gabriel Salvia (Chairman), Sybil Rhoedes (Vice president), Ludmila González (volunteer), José Montaldo (Business council) and Liliana de Riz (Academic Council)

Reunión ampliada del Comité Ejecutivo de CADAL

Liliana de Riz (Academic Council), Alessio Scocca (foreign intern from Italia), Matthias Peschke (foreign intern from Germany) and Sergio Casais (Webmaster)

Reunión ampliada del Comité Ejecutivo de CADAL

Luisa Habbel (foreign intern from Germany), José Montaldo (Business council) and Justine Vieira (foreign intern from France).

Reunión ampliada del Comité Ejecutivo de CADAL

The volunteers Ezequiel Podjarn and Ludmila González

Reunión ampliada del Comité Ejecutivo de CADAL

The reunion was also participated by the Academic councils Carlos Gervasoni and Jorge Streb and Hernán Alberro, Programs Director of CADAL


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