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OAS Assembly in Medellín | CADAL

Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Promotion of the Political Opening in Cuba


OAS Assembly in Medellín

CADAL was represented at the 49th General Assembly of the Organization of American States, held from June 26 to June 28 in the city of Medellin, Colombia, by its Director General, Gabriel Salvia, the Cuban political activist Manuel Cuesta Morúa and the journalist Hugo Machín, Special Editor of the Latin Analysis portal.

CADAL representatives participated in the civil society meeting on Wednesday, June 26 and maintained exchanges with officials and colleagues from different countries.

El Director General de CADAL, Gabriel Salvia; Jesús Delgado, de la ONG Transparencia Electoral; el analista Héctor Schamis; y el activista político cubano Manuel Cuesta Morúa.

The General Director of CADAL, Gabriel Salvia; Jesús Delgado, of the NGO Electoral Transparency; analyst Hector Schamis; and the Cuban political activist Manuel Cuesta Morúa.

Manuel Cuesta Morúa junto a Thomas Garrett, Secretario de la Comunidad de las Democracias

Manuel Cuesta Morúa next to Thomas Garrett, Secretary of the Community of Democracies.


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