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Free Speech | CADAL

Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



Free Speech

The new edition of Perspectiva magazine includes a dossier dedicated to ''freedom of speech'' where different analysts refer to the situation in the region, among them: Carlos Lauría, Enrique Santos Calderón, Alvaro Vargas Llosa, Carlos Alberto Montaner, Andres Cañizález, Marc Watchtenheim, Fabián Corral, Víctor Maldonado, and Gabriel Salvia. Moreover, in the section of Latin America, Tomas Mandl, Visiting Scholar of the Center for International Private Enterprise (Cipe), explains what the crisis does not alter, and the research team of Instituto de Ciencia Política from Colombia analyze the electoral processes that will take place on 2010 and the remaining of 2009.

Already available is the 22 edition of Perspectiva magazine, with a dossier dedicated to “Freedom of expression”. To analyze the situation Perspectiva gathered diferent analysts such as: Alvaro Vargas Llosa, Peruvian journalist, director of the  Centro para la Prosperidad Global at Independent Institute; Carlos Alberto Montaner, Cuban journalist; Enrique Santos Calderón, Colombian journalist, former Chairman of Inter American Press Association (SIP-IAPA); Andres Cañizález, researcher and activist of free speech, correspondent of Reporteros Sin Fronteras and researcher at Universidad Católica Andrés Bello from Venezuela; Marc Watchtenheim, director of Cuba Development Initiative of Pan American Development Foundation; Fabián Corral, lawyer, main writer of the newspaper El Comercio from Ecuador; Carlos Lauría, Senior coordinator of the Americas at the Committee to Protect Journalists in New York (CPJ); Víctor Maldonado, professor at Universidad Católica Andrés Bello from Venezuela, and Gabriel Salvia, Chairman of CADAL.

Besides, in the Latin American section, Tomas Mandl, Visiting Scholar at Center for International Private Enterprise (Cipe), explains what the crisis does not alter, and the research team of Instituto de Ciencia Política from Colombia analyze the electoral processes that will take place on 2010 and the remaining of 2009. In the  Temas&Debates section, Hector Ñaupari, chairman of Instituto de Estudios de la Acción Humana, refers to classical liberals and politics; Julian Harris and Phillip Stevens of International Policy Network, introduce the readers to the false medicines world, and Colombian lawyer Luis Fernando Rincón, analyzes the role of the consultant of corporate government in family businesses. In the section Mundo, philosopher and economist Jacques Carbou and the political scientist, Stephen Launay, analyze the geopolitical state of current Europe. Latly, in Books, there is a review of El destino trágico de Venezuela by Andrés Mejía, Políticas Públicas by Carlos Salazar and Descubriendo la escuela austríaca de economía by Instituto Ecuatoriano de Economía Política.

The magazine Perspectiva is edited in Colombia by Instituto de Ciencia Política, with the support of the Center for International Private Enterprise in the United States and the help of a network of institutes in different countries. CADAL represents Perspectiva magazine in Uruguay, being in charge of the presentation, distribution and promotion in that country.

Visit the website of Perspectiva magazine: www.revistaperspectiva.com

Visit and participate in the blog of Perspectiva Magazine: http://www.revistaperspectiva.com/blog/


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