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CADAL honored the Chancellor of Czech Republic | CADAL

Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



CADAL honored the Chancellor of Czech Republic

The event in honor of your excellence Karel Schwarzenberg, First vice-president of Government and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic, was organized by the Project Puente Democratico of the Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America. Historian and schollar of CADAL Ricardo López Göttig, doctorate at University Karlova of Prague was in charge of giving a plaque to Chancellor Schwarzenberg, acknowledging the Czech international commitment to human rights.

Within his official visit to Argentina, the Project Puente Democratico of CADAL was honored to be visited in its office in Buenos Aires, by Karel Schwarzenberg, First Vice-President of Government and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic.

The event in honor of Karel Schwarzenberg, First Vice-President of Government and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic, was organized by the Project Puente Democrático of the Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America. Historian and schollar of CADAL Ricardo López Göttig, doctorate at University Karlova of Prague was in charge of giving a plaque to Chancellor Schwarzenberg, acknowledging the Czech international commitment to human rights.

Also took part in the event Cuban dissident medical doctor Hilda Molina, who thanked the Czech Chancellor for their solidary support to her countrywhen she was still in Cuba. Molina remembered that the Czech government, through their embassy in Havana, as well as civil society organizations, legislators and figures like Vaclav Havel were solidary with her case.

The opening words were in charge of Gabriel C. Salvia, Chairman of the Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America (CADAL) and director of Project Puente Democrático. Salvia ended his presentation quoting a phrase by Vaclav Havel that summarizes in the best possible way the spirit that guides the Czech foreign policy in human rights and the international solidarity task of the Project Puente Democratico: "I know how important it is for a person to know that out there there is people who is not indifferent of your fate".

Among the participants were Thomas Antoine, Ambassador of Belgium Kingdom; Robert Zischg, Ambassador of Austria; James McIntyre, Ambassador or Ireland; Kenneth Forder, First Secreary of the Embassy of the United States; Gabriel Buzea, Councellor at the Rumanian Embassy; Alberto Hammerschlag, 3rd Vice-President of Delegación de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas (DAIA); Luis Luini, Minister and consultant of Senator Carlos Alberto Reutemann; Michael Soltys, editor of Buenos Aires Herald; Janina Mengelkamp, from Korand Adenauer Foundation; Sophie Haring and Irene Kögl, professor at University of Passau (Germany); Carlos Fara, Carlos Facal and Tristán Rodríguez Loredo, members of CADAL's Advisory Council; and economist Pablo Guido, analyst of CADAL. 


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