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Sustainable development trends | CADAL

Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



Sustainable development trends

With speakers from Argentina and Uruguay, CADAL organized at Zonamerica a new meeting of Foro Latinoamericano Montevideo dedicated to analyze the trends in sustainable development. The Forum was declared of ministerial interest by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining y from Uruguay and included the following subjects: the results of Rio+20 and its effects for Uruguay; CSR, two visions: from a big company and an NGO; and the development of eolian energy in Uruguay and Argentina.

With speakers from Argentina and Uruguay, CADAL organized at Zonamerica a new meeting of Foro Latinoamericano Montevideo. On this opportunity the edition 29 of Perspectiva magazine was presented and different aspects of the dossier on sustainable development were analyzed. The Forum was declared of ministerial interest by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining and was sponsored by Fundación Zonamerica, Centro de Capacitación Jacksonville and Quatromanos; the support of El País newspaper, Fundación AVINA and Centro de Convenciones La Torre de los profesionales and boutique hotel My Suites, as well as Mastra and Camara Uruguayo Alemana.

In the first panel, moderated by journalist Lili Fried, the presentations were in charge of Carmen Correa, Horacio Fernández and Juan Sicardi. Carmen Correa, Manager of Fundación Avina Uruguay, analyzed the results of Río+20 and its effects in Uruguay. Fernández and Sicardi presented two visions of Corporate Social Responsibility. Horacio Fernández, Secretary of the Argentine Committee at the World Council of Energy and coordinator of CADAL’s Business Council offered the vision from a big company while Juan Sicardi, Director of Asociación Civil Contribuir al Desarrollo Local gave the vision of an NGO.

The second panel was dedicated to analyze the development of eolian energy in Uruguay and Argentina with presentations in charge of Jorge Peña, from the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining from Uruguay; and Roberto Baratelli, expert on wind issues, ERSA Argentina. This panel was moderated by Gabriel Rocha, editor of the supplement El Empresario of El País newspaper.


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