Derechos Humanos y
Solidaridad Democrática Internacional


Greg Ross
Greg Ross
Estudiante de posgrado en la Escuela de Estudios Internacionales Avanzados de la Universidad Johns Hopkins. Es Asistente de Investigaciones en el Proyecto Argentina del Wilson Center en Washington D.C., ex-becario Fulbright en Paraguay y ex-Pasante Internacional en CADAL. Se recibió en la Universidad de Chicago en 2018.
Publicaciones de Greg Ross
Archivo | Articles | Artículos | Documents | Informes | Research Reports
06-08-2018 | Research Reports
The conflict between a liberal economic agenda and a politics of repression appeared throughout the Argentine military dictatorship. Tensions between the junta’s pro-market and political agendas surfaced in various economic policies, such as international trade. During the dictatorship, Argentina increased trade with countries in the Soviet sphere: of the ninety-nine bilateral economic agreements signed between 1976 and 1983, thirty were with Soviet countries, China, or Cuba. Cases such as that of the military dictatorship suggest how domestic politics—especially the politics of human rights—can become intertwined with, opposed, and shaped by economic interests.
